All things are connected. This interconnection can be experienced through the senses. We can hear, see, feel and touch frequencies manifest in terms of light, sound and physical form.

We believe in the value of creative interaction, in the necessity of finding things out for ourselves, and the importance of helping others to do the same.

Under the banner of Frequency Meditation, we have created resources to help everybody explore their many forms of awareness. The first of these resources is Clear Frequency Meditation.

Clear FM is a creative collaboration between Blue Yates and Monica DC. It is an audio resource that provides the perfect atmosphere for meditation, and also offers an ambient soundtrack to any relaxation activity.

Guided FM is a forthcoming series of chakra-based meditations written and presented by Monica DC.

Clear FM thumbnail upload

Blue Yates – An acclaimed performer and provider of music. A composer of guitar music ideally suited to film and TV and originator or contributor to nine albums. Rekoba Sound is Blue Yates’s independent record label. An innovative educator in the History of Music. A tutor of Classical and Latin Guitar with fifteen years teaching experience.

Monica DC – The Nurturer

Monica Douglas-Clark is a dedicated practitioner, teacher, trainer and coach of nurturing arts including Yoga, NLP and Energy Awareness.  Her mission is to support you to nurturer yourself and others to reach your full potential.

Please leave messages on the blog or you can also chat to us in person.  We look forward to connecting with you soon.